Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Missing Link for Growing Your Business

This was an E-mail sent to me from Tim Sales today

Hey Bob,

Of all the skills you can possibly develop to grow your network marketing business, one stands head and shoulders above the rest.

If this skill is developed you'll find your downline grows without much effort. Of course I'm not suggesting you won't have to work... what I am saying is: the work won't be so frustrating.

Picture what it would be like if you could - almost overnight - begin converting more prospects into distributors. How would your life change?

Would your income take an immediate jump? I'm sure it would.

Would you feel fulfilled that you set a goal and achieved it? I'm sure you would.

Would your family and friends-even the ones who doubted you could ever achieve any success in network marketing-begin to ask you more about what you do (Because now they're interested after they've seen your success)?

I know they would! I've had it happen to me - and I've seen it occur many times with my downline.

What one skill could possibly do all this for you?

Effective Communication.

Without it, your dreams of a massive downline and easy profits will never be reached. With it, everything gets easy and the money just gets ridiculous!

How To Master Effective Communication

Developing communication skills has been difficult for many. More than likely, this dates back to your elementary school experience.

If you struggled with English class...or... you dreaded presenting a book report in front of others... or... you didn't like to read, all of these factors could have played a major role in shaping your perception about your abilities to present to a prospect and convert them into your organization.

When I hear stories about how someone's third grade teacher would give negative marks for their presentation, or, how a seventh grade teacher would immediately critique a presentation someone made in front of the entire class - it makes me want to confront these teachers and tell them how damaging their remarks are, were and will continue to be...

...and, that despite their years of training and experience, they really don't know how to teach the art and science of communication.

I know - I used to be one of these guys. Someone who thought I couldn't talk to prospects well or effectively.

If it wasn't for my persistence in developing this critical skill, I would have NEVER achieved my financial dreams.

Once I developed this skill, my downline and in.come skyrocketed.

Why? Because my ability to effectively communicate to prospects enabled me to convert a larger number. Therefore, as I'm sure you know: the more people in my downline, the more money I made.

But I didn't stop there. I knew for breakthrough success, I'd have to train my downline in the same skills.

No one was teaching it. So, I taught it myself.

Best of all: you can now get trained in the same communication skills I used to build and train my 56,000 person downline.

It's a simple and effective system you can use to train yourself and others. When you master this skill, your ability to convert prospects will become so easy...especially in this down economy.

I personally used this through - TWO tail-spinning economies. Two booms and busts. Two periods where people were making money... and two periods where they thought the money was gone and no one was spending.

But here's a fact you may not know: Network Marketing actually grows when the economy tanks.

But, your business won't grow if you can't communicate effectively.

To help your business grow right now, I've put together my own Stimulus package. I'm knocking 20% off my very popular Brilliant Communicator CD set and Training Course but you've got to act fast.

So click the link below and learn how to communicate like a pro and watch your downline and in.come reach new heights. You deserve it. Do it for yourself and reap the benefits of learning this skill...

Discover How You Can Communicate Brilliantly By Clicking Here Now

Dedicated to your success, Tim Sales

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