Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Kind of need to know what your doing

Tonight I was listening in on a conference call that my buddy Tim Sales had. Some of you may know Tim, but for those who don't Tim is arguably the guru of Network Marketing with huge down lines and a successful marketing business. The man knows his stuff.

Tonight he talked about what you need to know so that prospects don't put off joining your company or delay buying your product or service.

There are three broad categories about this business that you must know in order to eliminate, or better yet, PREVENT hesitation and excuses.

You must:
  1. Know your company
  2. Know all about network marketing
  3. Know about your products

Now more than ever, it's important to the success of your business to have as much knowledge as possible on these three topics, because when you are knowledgeable, your prospects respect you, and listen to what you say, and follow your suggestions.

He suggested that you not take 3 months to learn it but do it as fast as you can because you never know when you may run across a Tim Sales or someone of that caliber and you better at the very least know the basics or be able to get the info in a phone call ASAP.

Given the current economic climate there are plenty of people looking for a job, or even some extra income. This is significant to the growth of your business because you have something that thousands of people need NOW.

There's just one thing you need to be aware of and that is:

Prospects hesitate signing that distributor agreement because they don't fully understand what you're sharing with them. And their hesitation turns into all kinds of objections and excuses. If you can have them understand what it is that you are talking about and it makes sense to them they will join you and buy your product but again it has to make sense to them.

One of the greatest tools for this is the Brilliant Compensation video that Tim has on his website:

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