Thursday, April 2, 2009

What are we doing!

One seventh or $1.5 trillion, of the U.S. economy today is devoted to the healthcare business, what Paul Zane Pilzer refers to as the "Sickness Industry."

However, by the year 2010, an additional $1 trillion of the economy will be devoted to products and services that keep us healthy, make us look or feel better, slow down the effects of aging, and prevent diseases from developing altogether.

The implications of the shift to proactive wellness are far reaching from health to beauty to food to medicine.

In 1908, Henry Ford's Model T launched the trillion-dollar automobile industry.

In 1981, IBM's PC launched the trillion-dollar personal computer industry, which grew so fast that PC sales surpassed U.S. auto sales in only ten years.

The trillion-dollar industry of the twenty-first century has arrived, and it promises to similarly revolutionize our lives and offer entrepreneurs and investors the opportunity to amass great fortunes.

This next big thing is the wellness industry, and Max International can show you how to state your claim now while the market is ripe.

In the book The Wellness Revolution, best-selling author Paul Zane Pilzer—a world renowned economist, lay rabbi, presidential advisor, college professor, and entrepreneur—has stated that the Health and Wellness Industry will be the next trillion-dollar revolution.

Already a $200 billion business, with most of its revenue coming from vitamin sales and health club memberships, the wellness industry is just now taking off. In just ten years, an additional $1 trillion of the U.S. economy will be devoted to providing healthy people products and services to maintain their health.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, investor, or distributor, I can show you how to get in on the ground floor of this burgeoning industry by explaining:

  • The scope and potential of this budding business
  • Why the $200 billion in proven demand is only the tip of the iceberg
  • How demand for Max International products has exploded over the last year

Bob Adams

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