Sunday, March 8, 2009

Building Your Downline In "Down Times"

Hey Freinds,

This came in my email from Tim Sales last night and I think it is spot on, so thought I would post it for you to read.

Economists the world over are telling us the sky is falling.

"Things are going to get worse before they get better," they say.

If you listen to them, they'll have you thinking...

  • No one is has a dime to spend...and if they did, it wouldn't be with you...
  • It's too hard to build anything right now - best to wait out the storm in safe waters...
  • You have no chance of succeeding because "big businesses" are failing - therefore the little guy doesn't stand a chance because they're not as smart

.... please excuse me but what they're saying should be flushed down the toilet - especially if you're a network marketer.

Right now is one of the best times for a network marketer.

Strange as it seems, network marketing actually blooms in rough economic times. After someone gets laid off from their "safe" job, they're a little ticked off, and don't want to work for anybody ever again.

The thought of having to rely on anyone again for their livelihood disgusts them.I don't blame them.

I never liked relying on anyone, other than myself, to make ends meet - and get rich.

My InBox Is Flooded

Everyday I'm getting S.O.S. messages from network marketers. Being an ex-Navy man, when you hear an S.O.S. it's ingrained in you to respond.

Seems network marketers - new and old - are listening to the talking heads and allowing them to control their most important asset

...Their mind! Lesson #1: Always control your thoughts - they're really the only thing you have control over.

They'll either make you or break you in this business. Get control of them and direct them to your goals. Don't let anyone ever steer you away from what you want.

Not your friends... not your family... and definitely not someone who gets paid to tell you bad news!

Building Your Downline In A Bad Economy

Once you get control over your thoughts, the next step is to steer your prospects away from "the sky is falling" mentality.

This is a bit more difficult - but very achievable.

I'm getting email after email about how "hard" it is to build an organization in these rough times. Reality is, it's really easier... but only when you know how to communicate the right message to your prospect.

Coming out and shouting that you have a great way to make money, places you next to a used car salesman in your prospect's mind.

The fear of being robbed by a snake oil salesman increases when the purse strings are tightened.

Yet, it's still a very profitable time - if you know what to say, how to say it, in what order to say it and most importantly, how to move a new prospect into being a distributor.

How To Learn What To Say When The Economy Is Rotten

You're not going to be able to escape your prospect's perception about the condition of the economy.

If you try, you'll be hit with every negative statement they've heard from the talking heads on the news.

Therefore, you must - and I do mean MUST - go right in and address their chief concerns about being able to build their downline during so-called rough times.

I say "so-called rough times" for a couple reasons...

  1. Because I was on a flight the other day, sitting in first class and it was full. FULL! I and everybody else paid 5 times what others in coach paid. Seems as though people are spending money... where they believe the value is!
  2. Billions of dollars changed hands yesterday! Truth is, the amount of money that exchanged hands yesterday, the day before and the day before that is staggering. People are still buying houses, new cars, and expensive clothes. I'll admit, not as much, but... they're still buying!

... the primary reason people are still buying is because they believe what they are buying delivers value to their lives!

Economists also say, 2009 will be the 'turn around' year. This is the year the economy will hit rock bottom.

After you hit bottom, there's nowhere to go but up. Once the "fear factor" disappears from the masses there will be a huge upswing in the market.

Working your business when it's "tough" out there, will dramatically increase your ability to explode your downline once the economy swings.

Prepare for the future by mastering effective communication today.

Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.

Get Professional Inviter here...

To your success,

Tim Sales

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