Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Defining Characteristic Of Success

I've discovered something that makes a huge difference in the success of an entrepreneur. It is a defining characteristic of the most successful people.

And you know what that defining characteristic is?

It's Vision my friend. It’s Vision.

I see a lot of people enter our industry with one thing on their mind and one thing only... Money.

And you know what else I see, many of those people are not creating the success they really want for themselves because as soon as their expectations aren't met right away they quit.

You want to know why the quit?

They have no vision. There is no “WHY” driving them. They are being driven by images of success and fantasies of how their life would be if only they had money.

And guess what? Even if they had 5 million bucks in thier bank right now, they would still be themselves.

Do you honestly think our problems will go away just because we have money?

Do you think all of the sudden life magically transforms, because we have hit a goal that we had in our mind, or having a certain amount of numbers on our bank statements?

There is a reason why people who win the lottery, or come across large sums of money are MORE MISERABLE AND BROKE 5 years from the day they got that money.

Think about that people who won a lottery and were surveyed 5 years later, were just as broke and actually less happy than they were before they won.

WEALTH is not about money in fact, true wealth is far from it.

True wealth is developed inside of you. It is something you cultivate within you, it's your attitudes, thoughts, feelings, heart, mind, body and soul in alignment with "true abundance" and "true abundance" is love, kindness, empathy, concern, sharing, wisdom, and other things that are hard to put into words.

Most people wonder why they aren't making money in there new business, is it because they have not created the wealth first? Money is not wealth, money is a byproduct of wealth

Do you really know how powerful it is to have a VISION?

Do you know how powerful it is to have a purpose behind what you do, that is FAR above just satisfying your own desires?

The entire world will stand with you when you have a vision!

Later we will learn how to cultivate your vision

Yours in Prosperity
Bob Adams

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